Preparing your patients for an objective ADHD test

It’s natural for patients to be nervous about a medical evaluation, especially if they are expecting a potential diagnosis. Most people are unfamiliar with the process of an ADHD evaluation and how objective testing fits in. However, with a little preparation, it’s possible to answer most patient queries, address concerns, and dispel any misconceptions ahead of the evaluation.

In this guide, we cover the main points you might wish to discuss with a patient ahead of an objective ADHD test.

Describing the ADHD evaluation process

It’s helpful to give your patient an overview of the evaluation process. You can explain the different elements of the assessment like gathering information about their history, answering rating scales, performing the objective test, and taking part in the clinical interview.

Make sure they know that there are several elements to the evaluation. It’s a good idea to outline how many appointments are likely to be needed and the expected timelines for delivering results.

Explaining the objective test to your patient

Share with your patient what type of test will be carried out (QbTest or QbCheck)

  • Explain it is a computerised test
  • Outline what is expected of the patient during the objective test
  • Describe how the test measures the patient’s performance
  • Let the patient know that there will be a practice test before the main test
  • Explain what the results will look like – it may be useful to show an example of a report so that the patient can see the visual nature

What is objective testing?

Objective ADHD testing with children

Using objective test with younger children can be a little different. Children aged
6-12 years will take a shorter test (15 minutes instead of 20 minutes as for adults). The shapes presented will also be simpler and less varied.

Parents will often want to be in the room with children while they take the test. However, this is not advisable. The test environment should be free from distraction, with either only the child in the room or a child and a medical professional.

For more information on completing objective tests with children, read our guide about ADHD in children.

Remote ADHD testing via telehealth

You may be administering the test remotely through QbCheck. In this case, the patient or their family must set the right test environment. This includes:

  • Checking their device is plugged in and has internet access
  • Sitting in a sturdy chair (not a sofa, swivel, or reclining chair)
  • Making sure that they are not in direct sunlight or under bright lighting
  • Removing any headwear (hats, caps, scarves, etc) that may interfere with the test
  • A video is included within QbCheck, guiding patients through set-up.

How does the remote use of QbCheck work?

Frequently asked questions patients have about objective testing

Here are answers to some of the common questions a patient might ask you ahead of taking an objective test.

Will patients be recorded during the test?

No. During a QbTest, the camera only tracks the movements of the marker and does not record any images. When using QbCheck, the webcam will not record images and only track movements.

How long does the objective ADHD test take?

15 to 20 minutes, but additional time should be allowed for set-up and completing the rating scales.

Is the test affected by colour blindness?

No, symbols are designed so that most forms of colour blindness will not impact the test.

Are there any language requirements?

No, the test is not dependent on knowledge of English or any other language.

A patient’s level of reading or mathematical skills will also not have an impact.

Will computer game experience affect the test?

No, the test is not a game, and experience, or lack of experience, playing computer games will not affect the result.

If you’d like to find out more about our objective ADHD tests, contact an expert today

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