One family’s ADHD journey with QbTest

1-minute summary: Jack’s parents raised the possibility of him having ADHD when he was in Year 1 at school. However, as he was meeting expected levels of development it wasn’t progressed any further. In year 4, Jack started to get in trouble for shouting out in class and ADHD was raised again. After an in-school test, Jack was referred to a GP and the family started subjective assessments. As Jack moved into year 5, a QbTest assessment was carried out and alongside subjective assessments, led to an ADHD diagnosis. Since then the family and school have been able to put positive measures in place to support Jack.

Jack’s story is a familiar one to families of children with ADHD.

“I was getting told off quite a lot for not concentrating,” he says. “I was just in my own world.”

His parents knew they had to act. “We first raised the possibility of Jack having ADHD when he was in Year 1 at school,” his mother recounts. “But Jack was meeting all the expected levels of development so it wasn’t progressed any further.”

This lack of progression in ADHD care is unfortunately common in the UK, where it’s estimated that only 10-20% of individuals with the condition receive treatment. Luckily for Jack, his parents remained persistent.

“In year 4, he started to get in trouble for shouting out in class, for example, but he was still reaching the levels of attainment. We raised ADHD again and the school carried out their in-school test which showed signs of ADHD, and an appointment was made to see our GP for a referral.”

As part of the overall ADHD evaluation process, Jack’s parents and teachers began subjective assessment. “Due to the Covid restrictions at the time, we did the Conners report in the garden and the teachers did their reports remotely. Appointments were carried out over the phone and we progressed well through the process to rule out any other reasons for the behaviour.”

Following these subjective assessments, Jack, his family, and the clinicians were ready to bring objective testing into the process with QbTest, a CE-marked and FDA-cleared ADHD assessment used in conjunction with other clinical measures such as rating scales and clinical interviews.

“We did the QbTest as Jack moved into year 5. It confirmed other evidence and reports, and ADHD was diagnosed. The services we received gave us the confidence to support Jack and he has dealt with the diagnosis positively. We have chosen to self-manage without the help of medication so far.”

Jack’s ADHD diagnosis led to significant improvements

“Following the diagnosis, the school put in place steps to support Jack in class and he received his best ever school report.” In addition, Jack’s parents were better able to understand his condition. “It quantifies what you’re going through with your child,” his mother notes, which allows parents to give their children the support they need.

For clinicians, the objective results of a QbTest are beneficial as well. “It strengthens our decision-making, because we’re able to share with that young person – or the parents and carers – the results of an objective test, so we can really help,” says Sue Ford, Independent Nurse Prescriber and ADHD lead at North Staffordshire Community CAMHS. “I’ve found that to be really beneficial.”

To learn more about how QbTest has reduced wait times and increased savings for clinics across the UK, and hear more from Jack and his parents about their ADHD journey, watch the video below:

Today, Jack and his family are flourishing. “We have since moved to live in Spain, and Jack attends an international school where he is also getting the support that he needs and is thriving so far. He’s made lots of friends and is enjoying his new environment and the sunshine.”

Book a call with one of our experts today to see how adding QbTest to your practice can help improve outcomes for patients and practitioners alike. Patients can also find their regional AHSN.

Discover more benefits of QbTest with our case studies including patient-centred care and objective testing in the UK and how QbTest is reducing wait time and increasing clinician confidence in the US.

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