Interpreting our objective ADHD test reports

Our standardised objective ADHD tests, QbTest and QbCheck, focus on the three core symptoms of ADHD – hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity, providing results through the use of activity tracking and responses to stimuli on a computer-based task.

Designed by a team of clinical psychologists to be as accessible as possible, the tests’ main requirement is the ability to follow simple instructions. This technology is the only test on the market that specifically tracks hyperactivity using a camera, monitoring the actual movement of patients throughout the assessment. Results from the test can also be used to measure ADHD treatment effects.

Interpreting QbTest results

It’s a 15-20 minute computer-based test. QbTest data collected is compared to a normative age and sex-matched control group who don’t have ADHD and is broken down into four quartiles (every 5 minutes for the 20-minute version of the test). The report has a total of 13 parameters with three cardinal parameters – our statistically weighted scores that provide targeted insight into the three core symptom areas of ADHD and are listed as:

  • QbActivity
  • QbInattention
  • QbImpulsivity

A patient report also clearly shows the individual’s activity graph and inattention/impulsivity graph compared to the age and sex matched control group.

Interpreting QbCheck results

QbCheck reports are similar to QbTest, showing five parameters that cover hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsivity and a total symptom score for ADHD.

A key point of difference between QbTest and QbCheck is that the latter includes the DSM-5 ADHD Symptom Checklist. The QbCheck Rating Scale is developed from the 18 questions in DSM-5, describing patterns of behaviour associated with ADHD. Each behaviour is rated over the last six months and graded as “never or rarely”, “sometimes”, “often” or “very often.”

Children 6-17 years must present “often” or “very often” on six items in at least one category to display a persistent pattern of ADHD-like symptoms according to the DSM-5 criteria. Test takers 18 years and older must present with five items rated “often” or “very often” in at least one category, to display a persistent pattern of ADHD-like symptoms according to the DSM-5 criteria.

QbCheck also has a one-page report, with a side-by-side comparison of the individual to a sample case from their age and sex matched control group, a total symptom score, and the parameters.

QbCheck Overview – Clinicians The QbCheck report consists of two pages indicating the level of typical ADHD symptoms, it does not provide a diagnosis. This is a quick reference guide only, to receive full training please access QbTraining via or contact Qbtech via 1. This section provides an ADHD Total Symptom Score and Level, indicating if the test taker presents with typical ADHD symptoms and how this corresponds to the approx. prevalence of ADHD symptoms in the general population. 2. This section shows you, in scores, how the test taker performed compared to their norm group on activity, impulsivity and inattention. This information helps to establish if and to what extent they resemble or deviate from their peers. 3. These graphs show the test taker’s activity levels, attention and impulse control, and if / how these changed over time. Green reflects a correct and red an incorrect response, whilst a black bar reflects a non-response to a target. 4. These graphs represent an age and gender matched individual without a clinical diagnosis of ADHD. By comparing the test taker’s graphs to the Sample Case you can see how similar or different they performed compared to a peer.




About the Rating Scale The QbCheck Rating Scale adds a subjective perspective to the evaluation process. The scale is developed from the 18 questions in DSM-5, describing patterns of behavior associated with ADHD. Each behaviour is rated over the last 6 months and graded as “Never or Rarely”, “Sometimes”, “Often”, or “Very Often”. Children 6-17 years, must present “Often” or “Very Often” on six items in at least one category to display to persistent pattern of ADHD-like symptoms according to the DSM-5 criteria. Test takers 18 years and older must present with five items rated “Often” or “Very Often” in at least one category, in order to display a persistent pattern of ADHD-like symptoms according to the DSM-5 criteria.

Rating Scale Results This test taker has 8 items in the inattentive category and 5 items in the Hyperactive/Impulsive category that are rated as “Often” or “Very Often”. The test taker thus meets the criteria for displaying ADHD-like symptoms according to DSM-5. Rating Scale Overview - Reporter: Self Inattention Difficulty paying attention to details or makes careless mistakes unless interested Difficulty staying focused unless interested Difficulty listening when spoken to directly Difficulty following through on tasks Difficulty organising and managing tasks Avoiding sustained mental effort unless interested Losing things Easily distracted by the environment or by unrelated thoughts Forgetful Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Fidgeting, or squirming in my chair Finding reasons to leave my seat when expected to remain seated Moving about excessively or feeling restless Difficulty engaging in leisure activities quietly Feeling uncomfortable being still for extended time periods Talking excessively Blurting out answers or thoughts Difficulty awaiting my turn Interrupting or imposing on others 1. This section summarises how the Rating Scale has been completed and how this should be interpreted in line with the DSM-5 criteria. It should be noted that the Rating Scale Results and objective data are calculated separately.

The inclusion of the activity graph gives you a visual representation of the test taker’s physical movements throughout the assessment (our graph draws a line showing where the individual moved during the test) and the attention and impulse control graph show the test taker’s responses to the task, including omission and commission errors.

Tracking omissions show the patient’s missed targets (each time they did not respond to a targeted stimuli) while commissions show responses to non-targeted stimuli (when the user is instructed to withhold their response, i.e. pressing the spacebar).

How you can make the right choice

The right objective test is based on your clinic’s needs. Find out which ADHD test is right for your clinic by completing the quiz. Find out more about virtual ADHD testing with our guide on how the remote function of QbCheck works.

The ability to objectively capture the three core symptoms of ADHD is invaluable to the differential diagnostic process. It allows you to take what you see clinically, what you hear from both your patient and their families, and compare with objective data to make an informed diagnostic decision.

QbTest and QbCheck provide data for clinicians like you to use as a routine part of your ADHD evaluation and treatment monitoring procedure.

Understanding the Qbtech normative database

Learn how your clinic can benefit from objective testing

Disclaimer: This is a quick reference guide and is in no way a substitute for clinical training. The purpose of this document is to give clinicians a bird’s eye view of what to expect when interpreting an objective ADHD test.

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